- Isolated and sometimes warring camps
- Emotional story
- Characters
- Voice acting
- Graphics
- Character animations
- Environment
- Bike customization
- Bike handling
- Hordes
- Enemy AI
- Will try to flank you
- Will respond to your actions (ex. I had my flashlight on and was trying to sneak up on a guy, and he said “A flashlight?” and turned around and spotted me)
- Can’t change look or outfit
- Abysmal performance on the standard ps4 (don’t know what the average fps was but I’d guess <30 ) **That being said I got a ps5 halfway through and wow, that’s how the game was meant to be played. Incredible.
- Not given a choice in very important decisions made by the protagonist
- Can’t climb things that look totally climbable
- Frequent poorly timed radio conversations
- Super repetitive npc’s (“I was doin’ it… ya know… with a john… I was… an escort…”)
- Story ********* 9/10
- Gameplay ******* 7/10
- Atmosphere ********* 9/10
- Overall ******** 8/10
- Story (characters, narrative, depth, pace, role playing)
- Gameplay (mechanics, fun factor, customization, level design)
- Atmosphere (graphics, environment, mood)