Anyone complaining about gas doesnt know how to play...

User Rating: 9 | Days Gone PC

This game is a masterpiece, ESPECIALLY in this day and age.

The gas mechanic of the game is the BEST part, hear me out:

In most games with fast travel, you can just go, anytime. THIS game is a little different; if your bike does not have enough gas, you drive instead. There are gas station and canisters (I bet half the people playing this dont even know canisters are a free fill, just like gas stations. Infinite times.) you WILL find on EVERY ROUTE multiple times. The devs clearly littered these around so gas wouldn't be that big of an issue.

This ends up FORCING a healthy balance between traversal and fast travel, and it IS most defintely a breath of fresh air versus traditional fast travel.

Everything else has already been said. Gunplay is fantastic. Bike riding is awesome feeling (even moreso the upgrades). The story is decent. Character attachment is there. Graphics are awesome and it runs great.

This lowkey is probably the best PC release of the year so far. Don't listen to any of these sites on this one. Maybe the ps4 version sucked for some reason, on PC it is undeniably phenomenal.