Not Bad Sony
User Rating: 9 | DC Universe Online PC
I've never been a fan of DC Comics, i thought they were lame compared to Marvel. I was skeptical that this was nothing more than a button masher. In a way it is. If you like fighting games then this is your cup of tea. I was worried that there were going to be a lot of supermen and wonder women flying around. Everybody looking the same. I love the character creation. There are some wicked looking toons in this game.
The missions are no different than any other mmo mission. And like all MMorpg games that are released content is going to be shallow. Give it time for additions and expansions cuz believe me, this game looks like it will have a lot. Not bad Sony . Now if you could just release Ever quest extended and have a strong launch for Final Fantasy 14 for the Ps3 then things will be looking good in 2011.