A potentially amazing game currently hampered by some unfortunate flaws.

User Rating: 8 | DC Universe Online PS3
I have been playing the game since release now and I am enjoying it. It is fun, fast paced, and enjoyable. Unfortunately, it has some fundamental flaws that will keep me from playing it longer than a couple months unless they make some changes.

The Good

First I will describe what is good about the game. It is fun. The controls work well for the ps3 in terms of gameplay, basically relying on a combo system similar to devil may cry, supplemented with abilities that can stun, protect, etc. The story is ok, and it immerses you pretty well into the DC universe, if you are a fan. The graphics are damn good in my opinion, I've only noticed a few graphical hiccups - such as the game still loading the city because I am travelling too fast for the game to load ahead of me. The characters look great. The game itself is fairly addicting and keeps me coming back, until there is nothing left to come back to...

The Bad

Which leads me to what is bad about the game. Glitches, bugs, and more frustrations. The interface is slow and clunky. It takes to long to navigate the menus, and sometimes they don't load at all and you just sit there looking at the screen until you press start again to disable it. If you are on a pvp server this slow UI can kill you. Communication in general is a hassle. Instead of being able to type into a chat box directly, you press enter, go into the PS3 chat box, not being able to do anything else in game, and then type, hit enter again, and circle, then you can get back into the game. It's tedious. Voice chat is horrendous and pretty much broken. In terms of glitches I had times earlier when I fell through the earth endlessly, or got stuck inside a building. I have had many disconnects, and other annoyances.

It is very short, for an mmo. The max level is 30, and while there seems to be a bit to do at 30, I am not sensing that there is enough to do to keep people interested for very long. It doesn't take long to get to 30 either, I just got it yesterday, and I have been playing very casually. A few hours every few days. Powergamers can get max level over a weekend, and many get it in about a week. This seems a little too easy and no doubt when everyone is 30 and have done what there is to do, interest is going to go down the bucket, unless sony does something about it. This is probably its biggest flaw because without staying power unfortunately the game is doomed for failure. They need more content! All the glitches can be fixed but without content subscriptions will fall off fast, which means less money made for the game, and ultimately the game will never be a major contender.


DC universe online is a good game. It's fun and it is a good way to spend some of your time if you are sick of the whole World of Warcraft thing, or you need an MMO to pass the time just for giggles. If you are looking for a permanent MMO home, this probably isn't it, because as it looks right now, I don't know if it has much of a future. If they can add more content, and quick, and fix some bugs, I think it may survive. Time will tell with this one.