The first DDR game I ever reviewed.
User Rating: 7.5 | DDRMAX2: Dance Dance Revolution PS2
As a former DDR player, DDRMAX2 was a cool game and just like the arcade versions, there are songs to play and arrows to step. These DDR titles have engish music like Days Go By by Dirty Vegas and that song by Kylie Minogue. but you also have the Konami originals like Afronova, PARANOiA, the MAX songs which are the tough songs and others. These games also work if you have the regular controller so you don't need the dance mat and if you get one, don't get those soft mushy ones. Get a foam pad (from RedOctane), metal, or those thin pads. DDR was one of my favorite arcade games but unfortunately, I was never the one who could play double, freestyle or completed MAX 300, Legend of MAX or MAXX Unlimited. Graphics aren't something I would want to discuss when it comes to DDR because it looks like any other one to me. All I'll say is that DDR is still strong and people still play it and shred the pads.