Bright, colourful, and damn fun. De Blob is an under-appreciated game that should be selling well.
The game starts with a colourful and humourous intro movie that shows the main hero called 'Blob' bounce around the life sucked Chroma City, restoring colour to it. Its a good start and the visual and musical style of the game is pretty cool.
The gameplay in de blob is simple. Roll and jump around an environment and paint as much as you can. Paint enough and you can move on, although its very easy to just stay in the current area and bump up your score, mainly because its pretty damn addictive. When you touch a segment of a wall, it turns the colour that you currently are. It works well and the colour mixing is a great original idea. Obviously thats not all thats to it but its the basic premise. Missions are timed but the time limit is certainly not strict. Each level introduces you to a new enemy or dynamic (like inkt tanks). This makes each level feel a bit more fresh and prevents the game from becoming stale. Once a mission is completed you usually get 2 bonus missions, the next main mission and some concept art or videos. It is a good incentive to re-do the levels as the higher your score, the more you unlock. Points really do mean prizes. Some may want to take the game a step further by re-doing levels to get a 100% score. Its not easy as you have to paint all the trees, graydians and even a blimp.
Its a pretty good looking game too and its just so colourful. The menus are well laid out and have something about them, a good thing. The music is also great. Its jazzy and funky and goes in tandem with the games overall style. Presentation wise, De Blob is a really good game.
The actual story is pretty predictable but then, its not about the story anyway; the game focuses more on gameplay and style. The story is broken up with short cutscenes involving Blob and they look great. A couple will make the younger gamer chuckle as Blolb has a sort of cheeky character to him that is surprisingly fleshed out. Well, for a blob anywyay.
Also included is a multiplayer mode for up to 4 people. It can be a laugh but dont worry if you never use the multiplayer, its not great.
Story 6/10
Graphics 8/10
Presentation 10/10
Multiplayer 6/10
If you can find De Blob on the cheap, it is an absolute must buy. If its full price, put some consideration into it. That said, it is a great original effort from THQ, seeing as they are one of the main culprits of movie tie ins. Hopefully we can look forward to more games like this in the future.