User Rating: 6 | Dead Alliance PS4
Overall, if you want to pass on the online BS with other online players and just have fun, this is worth buying. If you have high expectations for this game, don't buy it. Because some people want a simple and untainted zombie survival game. Not many people make decent game anymore it's all about online, online, online, but overall if you just want a zombie fps/survival game it's slightly above par. I enjoy it better than COD. Now the new ones are garbage. Off course it doesn't have the best graphics and who cares if you can't see the shine through, but tree, whatever man. Buy this game, keep an open mind you won't be disappointed. I bought this game with an open mind and I wasn't disappointed. What I mean by open mind is graphics aren't everything, just don't be so overly judgemental over the little things enjoy the concept. I definitely wasn't disappointed with this game.