There aren't many games out there that make me play obsessively but very occasionally one comes along that takes a hold.
This is by far one of the most immersive survival horror games that has come to pass in the last 10 years. You actually feel like you are in the resort which is now the last place you would want to be with the eerie echoes of bloodthirsty zombies crying out in the distant.
Each time you are given a mission which takes you away from you safe comfort zone you have a feeling of dread of not knowing what to expect. The zombies are in fact terrifying when groups of them start running at you and you end up hitting the keys and shaking the mouse like your life really does depend on it.
I also think there is a huge variety of zombies compared to different types of characters in other games - you never really feel you are attacking the same cloned zombie over and over like for example doom 4
I have experienced a few technical glitches i.e. a cocktail going off unexplained in my hand and setting me on fire but it hasn't ruined the game play in the slightest.
So well done to the developers - You cannot expect a game this large not to have a few (i know 50) bugs at release but you also have to remember this is on 3 platforms and everyone's hardware is different.
I am only playing on a low to mid range laptop with a geforce 320M graphics card at low graphic settings and the quailty and speed of the game is exceptional compared to other games i have tried to run on this machine.
I think once a few more patches have come out this game will be one of those gems that you bring back out of the cupboard and play again - I also imagine and hope the ad-dons/sequels are just as good!