Good game with some major bugs that almost ruin the gameplay
The fight system is very good and well implemented, you will want to keep killing the zombies with different weapons and combinations i really don't get tired of it and i being playing like 10 hours or more. (Yes is a long game!)
The point system is very good this is what it makes dead island an rpg, when you kill zombies or do quest you get points, when you get enough you level up your character, leveling your character and making him better in some special kind of weapons or more resistant is very fun and you have a lot to pick and choose from.
Another thing is the open world, the game is like far cry 2 (Except for the annoying pills you have to get and you can do multiple quest at the same time!!) you choose quest from different peoples in the island, some quests are stupid other not that much, the good is you can choose to make them or not the game is not linear at all you do and go where you want .
The graphics are good too with a very large map and the sound is great hearing the zombies screaming and getting close to you it never gets old :P
You can tweak some files to make it look even better i don't know why you cant change them via menu in game like the v-syn only if you tweak a file or FOV, shadow quality, FSAA, etc etc
Now lets see what is not so good, the game have some annoying bugs that almost ruin my fun to the point stop playing but for my luck you can fix them (no via official patches -.-)
A big problem is the mouse smooth, in the menu and in the game is the same so if you lower the mouse smooth in the game you will lower it in the menu and this believe me will drive you crazy if you don't fix it via tweaking some files, this is a clear bug for a ported game...
Graphic bugs, control bugs etc etc
But everything or almost everything can be fixed editing some files just Google it or search it here:
(I do notice the pc version is the best because of the patches fixes, is the less bugged of the three.)
The checkpoint save system, the respawn of items in the same locations when quit and continue the game, when you get kill you restart in some place and the penalty is get some money off from you.. this just tell me is a game design for co-op and not single player...but is not a big deal and still fun.
Oh and you can see some "press B button" "press A button" in some menus *ejem port ejem*...
Overall is a good game if you can take your time to fix some issues.