Dead Man's Hand is very good game that, at times, you'll love and, at times. gets a little frustrating.
User Rating: 7.7 | Dead Man's Hand XBOX
Dead Man's Hand is a fairly good game that gets better towards the end. You are El Te-something and you escape from prison to try to get the nine or ten or whatever bad guys, to make a long (and confusing) story short. It's probably just me, but I think the story is confusing. Nonetheless, Dead Man's Hand is a very good game to crave your your Wild-West FPS cravings. Gameplay: 8/10 DMH is basically you're typical FPS. There's nothing very innovative here, although the skill shots and special shots are quite interesting. The skill shots are hat shots, in which you shoot the guys hat off, there's the explosion shot, which is pretty self explanitory, and the crush kill, in which you crush the enemy with a heavy object. The special shot is when you get some shots in a row and get an alt-fire. Anyways, DMH is basically your standard "go from point A to point B and fight the boss" FPS. Graphics: 7/10 DMH's graphics are pretty disapointing for a 2004 Xbox game. Considering games like Doom 3 and Halo 2, DMH really should look better. They aren't terrible, but character models and objects in the environment are pretty boxy. The little details in the game are pretty pixelated. The rest of the game looks pretty good though. Sound: 8/10 The sound in DMH is pretty good, actually. Your character makes some entaining wise cracks, the music is very good, and your enemies will usually yell when they see you. Half the time you can't see them, so it's a pretty cinematic experience Value: 7/10 The of split-screen action in DMH really hurts. Especially since the online experience (i've heard) isn't too terribly great. Because it's pretty much you against the world, co-op would have been nice to have. Tilt: 8/10 I really enjoyed DMH. If you want a good Western FPS out of the bargain bin, you should look into Dead Man's Hand. While not great, DMH is a very good game I really like.