Dead Nation combines elements from Left 4 Dead with an overhead perspective that is surprisingly addictive and entertaining. The sheer number of zombies and other mutants you will have to take out during the course of a level will test even the most harden shooter veteran's skill. Zombies will rush, stumble or sometimes spring up from a sewer or other confined area and surround you instantly forcing you to plan and prepare for an attack at all times. Weaponry can be upgraded and range with a variety from your unlimited ammo rifle to launchers, shot guns, flame throwers and more. This allows you to choose which weapons work well for your style of play as these will be the ones you need to upgrade to fend off the hordes of undead. Also surprisingly lengthy, the story of Dead Nation is pretty addicting and will have you pushing forward just to see what happens next. The only annoying aspect of this game is that occasionally the camera angle will position itself in awkward methods especially when having to retreat to a previous area or getting pinned against a wall while trying to fend off your attackers. As an added feature, the addition of coop makes Dead Nation very enjoyable and definitely worth the $14.99 on the PSN network.
Dead Nation was a game I only noticed roughly two months ago. The first video I saw didn't really impress me, but the upgrades trailer caught my attention. So I looked into the game more and more and after finding out ... Read Full Review
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains: Strong Bloody Violence, Horror and Gore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dead Nation is top-down shoot 'em up, horror advent... Read Full Review