I just can't belive how much I love this game. Seriously.

User Rating: 10 | Dead or Alive 3 (Classics) XBOX
Dead or Alive 3 in my opinion is the best game of all times.
The character models are just amazing and the fighting is flawless. The costumes are just beautiful and the time you will spend in this game is huge. I know there arn't that many unlockables but that doesn't matter if you are a huge fighting fan.
Survival is probably were you get the hook, along with story mode and time attack. and it even includes a nice mode called sparring were they give you the movelist for you to master this game. I also happen to know that this game lacks Online, but you will still be able to enjoy this game so much with 17 different characters, about 3-6 costumes per character, and about 80 moves per character.
I just love this game along with DOAX and would do anything if Team Ninja would do their games just like DOA3( I'm dissapoited at Dead or Alive Ultimate, it doesn't even stand close to DOA3, but it's still a great game).
well, now we know why this game is the best selling Xbox game in Japan, and sold more than 1.5 million copies around the world.
three words: BEST GAME EVER.
*hands down*