Overall frustrating and disappointing when you have high expectations for a great follow up of DOA 3 for the 1st Xbox.

User Rating: 4.9 | Dead or Alive 4 (Platinum Hits) X360
Besides its pretty graphics there's not much else. If not for its insane difficulty this game may have been enjoyable. I read other reviews of gamers that had the same problem but never paid too much attention to their warnings. Now I know exactly what they were talking about. A good example is the final battle in the story mode. As I had stated before half the clean punches I landed ended with the opponent teleporting away or countering every single shot only to be K.O.ed from behind in 3 or less hits. Yes I said 3! Ridiculous combos and a merciless A.I sucked the fun out of this game. Oh and if you get caught in a ferocious barrage of combos by the A.I good luck getting a block or a counter attack (the button to counter or block might not as well exist) as it does not make a difference and you're pretty much toast. Eventually resorting to button mashing, to my surprise, is much more effective than learning and executing the commands and combos for each character. I'm a huge fan of the fighting genre but this has got to be the most overrated game by Game spot thus far. This may be a rental at best. DOA 4 definitely does not deserve to be among the greats as Soul Calibur , Tekken or Virtua Fighter but it can be fun in very rare occasions when you're not getting your teeth kicked in 95% of the time. If you're wondering how is it possible to make DOA 4 less enjoyable than DOA 3 especially in a next gen console? Well if you want to find out, now is your chance.