Xbox 360's Killer APP? Not Quite, But Close!
User Rating: 9.6 | Dead or Alive 4 (Platinum Hits) X360
This game has everything you want in a fighting game. Great graphics, large roster of charcters, varied fighting areas, rewarding fighting system, and TONS of unlockables. A (kind of) new addition to the series is the on-line play. Once you fire up Xbox Live you will select an avatar (the default one is a Ninja, until you unlock more) with the avatar you can join a game, if two people are duking it out you must wait in a lobby that has a big screen TV showing the fight. Your avatar has "emotions" you can control using the right analog stick. They affect the game in no way, but I always get a laugh when I see my avatar laugh/cry. Once you get into a fight it seems like your playing it off-line, yes it is THAT smooth. If a person joins the lobby, it gives you a heads up at the bottom of the screen, when the game does lag up (which is very rare) it doesn't get "chuggy" it simply slows down so you are still in sync with your opponent ( a feature FPS need). You can get achievments while on-line, too. For Example, if you beat five people in a row you get an acheivment. For what it is I really enjoyed this game, well worth the prcie tag. If your not a fighting fan, please skip this game. If you are, or if your just looking for a fun and accessable game to get when you get your Xbox 360, please do your self a favor and get this great game.