Fast, fun, and addictive. A fighting game masterpiece.

User Rating: 9 | Dead or Alive 4 (Platinum Hits) X360
That's a very simple way to put it. Basically, DOA4 is extremely fun, and I don't hesitate to recommend it. At the same time, I don't want you to get the wrong impression. DOA4 is a difficult game to pick up and rock at, but this comes from someone who's fighting game experience comes from Soul Calibur II for the Gamecube. Not that that was an easy game either...

Anyway, case in point, I die an average of 10-25 times playing through a single story mode(8 battles) on Normal difficulty(the lowest the game comes with). It can be frustrating...BUT, this game has so much to offer that you won't even care. Fighting with your favorite characters and unlocking new costumes and content never gets old, and despite losing to the same guy 20 times, it's impossible to describe the joy you feel when the SOB finally goes down.

I recommend this game to anyone with a passing interest in the fighting genre, or with a passing interest in beating the crap out of things, which may be done more to you than your opponents until you get the hang of things. The gameplay is tight, the graphics are A-mazing, and the list of characters is diverse (Brad, Eliot, and Hitomi are personal favs). Only two conceivable setbacks: high difficulty & Japanese voice overs.

Oh yeah, the game is full of buxom women wearing next to nothing, so if that's your thing... ;)