More like DOA 3.5 for XBox 1.5
This worries me, the graphics are good, but like I said before. It looks more like Xbox 1.5 instead of next generation. And what with all the congradulation on Xbox 360 launch signs everywhere. It make be feel that the great Tomonobu Itagaki has sold out for money. could he be kissing Bill's ass any harder!
Almost all the character costumes are remakes of one I've have seen since DOA1 (someone lost his creativity) Or they are the same costume with different colors. I'm sorry but If I'm going to get the living Hell beaten out of me about 30 time in a row by the cheapest character ever Jann Lee, then please reward me with something.
To be fair the endings are fun.... to watch about 2 time then just forget about them. OH look we are still fighting DOAtec. I just can't wait to find out more in Dead or Alive 5. Which will probably be rushed for XBOX 720 and will probably amazingly look alot like Dead or Alive 4, but this time they'll add more monkies to the temple stage and Tomonobu Itagaki will make a special guess appearane were he will flick us all off while counting his money Bill boy gave him for his soul!