Stunning Graphics, Fastastic Online Play
The story mode is nothing impressive. It's just simply eight fights in which you will knock out your opponent. With an extraordinary tough boss at the end of each one. Even though the Story Mode isn't something that you would want to play multiple times; you will find yourself completing it with some characters 6-7 times in order to unlock all of thier costumes.
DoA4 online is what really impressed me. There are little lobbies that you can buy along with avatars/clothes for your avatar to go with that lobby. Players will sit in the lobby waiting for thier turn to play, watch other matches, or tag up with other online players. The ranking system is really well put together as well. It's based on grades other than numbers, meaning SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Despite the game's late arrival, fighting game fans have no doubt already purchased and poured their heart into what this title has to offer. For more casual players, DOA 4 offers entirely typical gameplay. Button-mashing won't get you as far as it will in the Soul Calibur series, and the level of replayability for the average gamer may be somewhat low. If you're looking for a simple, good-looking fighter Dead or Alive 4 will serve your needs well. Those looking for brains with their beauty may want to look elsewhere.