Don't let the advertising fool you into thinking it's one of the best looking games out there. It's only a PSP game.
Now I know a lot of people aren't into this sort of game and that's fine, but those of us that ARE interested in it... well... prepare for a bit of disappointment.
DOA: Paradise is almost an exact port of the Xbox 360 counterpart, but with less features, majorly toned down graphics and unfortunately even some technical problems & glitches/bugs. E.g. I once tried partnering up with Christie while she was at the pool and she was performing the pole dance animations in the pool when she was SUPPOSED to be riding on a floaty.
As a game that relies on "attractive" graphics as a selling point, Dead or Alive Paradise falls short. The game itself runs fine, no framerate drops etc, but Character models are choppy, scenery is 2D most of the time and environments are what you'd expect from a PSP - drab and ugly when you focus your attention on it.
Of course your trusty camera is present for this game, and pictures you take of the girls are saved as JPEG images on your PSP, either to be used as a wallpaper for your PSP or just... um... admiring...
Unfortunately however the quality of the picture is actually LOWERED once you take the shot. So when you THINK you've got the perfect mugshot of your lovely lady the game freezes to get it saved, then shows you a brief preview only for you to see that the character model is even more choppy than it was before!
It is literally next to impossible to get a decent looking picture of the girls. Not because of the camera controls, but just the quality of the visuals mixed with the drop of quality of the screenshot.
Personally I enjoy the game itself for a change of pace. To me the idea of goofing around with a bunch of pretty pixelated ladies is a nice change from hardcore shooters and gorey action games. I think that anbody that finds the prospect of non-challenging beach volleyball with your favorite DOA girls and trying your luck at virtual DOA slot machines, blackjack & poker can have a lot of fun with this game for short durations of play.
The game itself is repetitive of course, not suited to extended playtime. Nor is it really all that great for eyecandy as everybody tries to state. Yeah there are swimsuits that are practically invisible, but the quality of the game's graphics just don't make it as much of a big deal as the 360 version.
As a summing up, I think that overall Dead or Alive Paradise is a unique experience for the PSP and I believe that if you are a fan of the girls of Dead or Alive then you should try this game out. If you've played the first two volleyball games though there's REALLY not going to be anything that'll be new to you (Rio really isn't that much different from the rest of the girls either to be honest, she's somewhat fiery & immature but she fits in too well in my opinion).
Just keep in mind that the game is for PSP - something that isn't really known for it's mind-blowing visuals, especially when compared to the first two games.