"Fighting Series Of The Future!"
This latest game comes in a double pack. One disk (labeled Dead or Alive 1 Ultimate) containing original game that got the series started. That first came out on, I want to say Sega Saturn. Takes you back to old school. Makes you appreciate more what we have now.
Second disk (called Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate) contains all new martial. The opening movie and story mode tells more of the story behind DOA. Plus it still has all your common fighter games: story, verses, tag battle, survival, team battle, and sparring. As with any DOA game, the players, levels, backgrounds are breathtaking! So much work has been taken into this game.
You start with twelve players, and can unlock three more. With these players you also can unlock a total of 137 extra costumes. That will try your patience, taking you literally well over 20 hours. Try not trowing your controller on the floor attempting this.
Team Ninja has improved some things with this game. Such as, the camera angle when characters come in and out of the game. But, when playing on hard or very hard, the computer players still are unrealistic with their combos. This game comes with another killer soundtrack from Areosmith. This game is a must have!