DOA3 made it's debut on the Xbox showing up what exactly the Xbox can do, the graphics were just amazing and it had a speed that made gameplay twice the fun. 3 years later, Dead or Alive Ultimate shows up in the Xbox with superior graphics, faster gameplay, and twice the costumes along with stages. DOA2U is a remake of the original DOA2 for the Dreamcast containing the same amount of move sets (only slope moves where added) , same amount of characters(exept Hitomi from DOA3 shows up as an extra) and Completely improved arenas along with costumes too. Story mode still remains the same but many other fithing options have been added too, this includes: Blattle Record, that let's you record your own battles and save them so you can wach the over and over again. DOAOnline, a huge improvement that let's you fight with opponents all over the world (Xbox Live required). Collection Mode, let's you keep track of what you have collected in survival mode (over 50 items). CG gallery, previusly seen in the original DOA2 this time over 350 pretty pictures containig the lovely ladies of the game (mostly from DOAX). Last but not least Booster Disk option, contains a clip from G4Tech TV about the history of Dead Or Alive and it's creator Tomonobu Itagaki.Also the original DOA previusly released for the Sega Sturn in 1997 is also included. So if you're looking for a game both fun and entretaining, Dead Or Alive Ultimate is the game you are looking for.
The word ultimate is really significant when you're trying to sell something. It shows that this is the final and best version of a video game. The complete and unbeatable edition of a title that is basically incomparabl... Read Full Review
Dead Or Alive Ultimate (DOAU) is one of the best gaming packages you can buy for the XBox. The sheer magnitude of options available is simply too generous and believe me, the games in DOAU will last you for quite a while... Read Full Review