Team Ninja's bringing back the oldies with killer graphics and tons of new content.
User Rating: 9.7 | Dead or Alive Ultimate XBOX
The Dead or Alive series has quickly made it's way to the top of the fighting game hill on the XBOX and crowned itself king. With it's lightning fast gameplay, multi-tiered stages and intriguing and dramatic storylines and characters, it's not hard to see what has made Dead or Alive so popular. In light of their recent successes, Team Ninja decided to re-release Dead or Alive (the original) and an upgraded version of Dead or Alive 2 in a single pack called Dead or Alive Ultimate. While Dead or Alive 1 Ultimate is a fun romp for a while and even comedic in some ways, Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate is where the true fun lies. With upgraded graphics, new contents such as outfits and the new Exercise Mode in Sparring, Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate has plenty to make this purchase worthwhile. Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate is almost completely remade, it's graphics better even than Dead or Alive 3. It boasts an enormous wardrobe for each character, some of whom have up to 20 costumes to unlock. The stages have even more tiers and have been completely redesigned, the character models are detailed and the story has been expanded in a small yet dramatic way through an entirely new introductory cutscene. In short, Dead or Alive Ultimate is definitely worth the money. If nothing else, at least get it used or rent it. Even if you're just a lowly Tekken fan.