Wow! So many costumes & unlockables! Better graphics! 2in1 game that looks & feels like a package deal!

User Rating: 9.8 | Dead or Alive Ultimate XBOX
Dead or Alive Ultimate -- the game that is really worth the wait. The graphics are truly amazing with great gameplay and, finally, online game mode! This game includes two games in 1 -- Dead or Alive 1 Ultimate and Dead or Alive Ultimate 2 which is one of the few games that will deserve the "Ultimate" in their name.
If you already own this game you should truly appreciate the package-like deal. This is one of the only package games you'll ever get which includes and involves plenty of graphicals that are truly beautiful and great gameplay to unlock costumes and other cool extras. Although most people will start playing the 2nd Dead or Alive before playing the 1st because of the graphics and the unlockables with more characters it's still plenty of fun and twice more fun than the one for the older console -- online gameplay for a good old classic! One of the best things about this package is that the third Dead or Alive 3 isn't missed in this package. One, because it includes the bonus save for 3rd Dead or Alive which gives you more costumes for characters in the 3rdD.O.A. and two, this game includes two characters from the third Dead or Alive -- Hitomi and Bayman! The two extra characters! The fans who thought that the two unlockable characters aren't included in this one because the Dead or Alive 2 for the PS2 didn't have them should truly appreciate these unlockabes!
Overall, this is a masterpiece. One of the best fighting games available on the market! Greater graphics, combo's, unlockables, gameplay modes, and stages in Dead or Alive 1 and 2 Ultimate than in the Dead or alive 1 and 2 for other consoles. This game is worth the money and the wait. To Tecmo and Team Ninja -- well done! They really improved their older versions of the 2 games -- . This game is truly amazing!!!