The perfect Dead or Alive 2... simple as.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead or Alive Ultimate XBOX
Dead or Alive, the fighting game that's been pushed aside and given a bad impression due it's 'Xtreme' showcase games. Fortunately, Team Ninja were nice enough to give us Dead or Alive Ultimate, a two-disk set that features an improved version of the original Dead or Alive and a much more improved version of Dead or Alive 2. Now then, I'm going to review the Dead or Alive 2 due to the fact that the 1st Dead or Alive is almost identical the it's Sega Saturn version, so there isn't much new.

Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate is the perfect Dead or Alive 2, with improved graphics, improved tweaks and many more modes to select, it's worth every penny if you're a fan of the DoA franchise. The fighting system remains the same as it's always been, the Y button are the punches and the B button is for the kicks. Oh, and let's not forget DoA's counter system is still intact.

Perhaps the only downfall to Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate is the fact that Christie, Hayate and Brad Wong are missing in action from Dead or Alive 3, yet strangely Hitomi is still available to choose. I know, it's DoA 2 and not 3, but it's still unfortunate.
The maps in DoA2U are brilliantly designed and very unusual, perhaps the best I've ever seen and experienced in any fighting game. The graphics are much more improved from it's original release on the PS2, in fact they're slightly better looking than Dead or Alive 3's.

Basically, Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate is a case of Team Ninja bringing back Dead or Alive 2 and remaking it to perfection. With even more extras such as much more costumes to unlock, a CG Gallery, Collection viewer and the bonus of unlocking Hitomi, you'll find yourself playing Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate for much longer than you would've expected.