Not all it's made out to be.
User Rating: 7.5 | Dead or Alive Ultimate XBOX
I like DOAU. I know some people that LOVE it and play it none stop. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people. Before I start this review I must admit-I like hardcore fighting games. Ones where you can spend days learning moves in the training modes, and can become a master with one character. Dead or Alive Ultimate is not one of those games. It is, however, the most playable fighting game that I know. This works in it's favour, but also brings it down tremendously. The fact that it is so playable makes it a number one game for those button bashers amongst you. My friend can win a game simply by pressing B with Zack constantly, while I die miserably trying to pull of sweet combos and the like. So, I open up my disk tray, put in Street Fighter and kick his ass on a REAL fighting game. I know many are going to disagree with me on this, but I'm sure the hardcore fighting fans amongst you will totally agree with me. Face it, DOA fanboys, beat 'em ups were much better back in the good old days!
Now, after that big session of complaining, let's go to what works for it. The graphics are near perfect-considering this was out so long ago, you would be hard to find a game that beats these lush visuals today. The fighting system is very easy to get used to, and for those that loved the old arcade beat em ups this will be for you. The characters are all suitably wacky (what the hell is Tengu!) The online options are sublime-this is where this game really shines. The only problem is the age old curse of lag-it sometimes really cripples this game, which is a big shame. Spectator mode, although seeming like a throw away gimmick, is very good. It cuts out all those boring lobbies like in Forza, where you have to wait for the others to finish their race before you can join in.
Overall then Dead or Alive Ultimate isn't half bad. If you can overlook the too-easy-to-be-skillfull control style then this will be for you. But if you're looking for pure fighting at it's very best, then I suggest you look elsewhere.