One of the best games i've reviewed, just worth the money.

User Rating: 9.7 | Dead or Alive Ultimate XBOX
I'm one of Tecmo's biggest fans and i'm not going to stop here i have been waiting for this game like forever. Well here it is, i'll start it off by saying this game has few flaws first of all this is the first online dead or alive game so i thought i was gonna be playing again in the new dead or alive online with a bunch of women, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh and then when it first came out i rushed to the store. Dead or Alive Ultimate's graphics are stunning you're going to be saying omg my xbox is amazing! You can even play in dead or alive 2 mode. Theres so much little things in the arena's or places you can go to it's just awesome. The only thing bad about this game is that the gameplay machnics get old and dull. But eough about the bad. This game isn't just for hardcore dead or alive fans it's for everybody.