Simply, yet enjoyable.

User Rating: 8.2 | Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball XBOX
Come on, we know the real reason why most people bought this game. But lets try to look past that. For starters, was the first volleyball game to come out for the Xbox. Eight girls (whom seven of them are from previous Dead or Alive fighting games) wear skimpy swim suits. Where the aim of the game in story mode is to compete to get rarer and skimpier swimsuits. You must be thinking, is there more to this game? Well, if you try to look past that, then the answer is yes. It's basically a volleyball game, with just girls to chose from. You play by moving the directional pad and hitting "B" to toss, "A" to spike and block (can serve using either button). You use "B" to toss to your teammate. In story mode you team up with another girl by giving her a present as a way to bribe her. You get money by winning matches, gambling in the casino (after hours when too dark to play volleyball). Or you can get money by playing a game at the pool of the hotel called ironically "The Hopping Game" where you use your money to buy either swim suites, items for your collection, personalize your your outfits (ex. sunglasses, hats, hair ribbons, or even volleyballs). And allways, you can wear whatever swimsuits you want, that you have in your collection. If you play two player, you pick who you want and your teammate. Then your friend chooses who they want and the teammate they desire. Here is where storymode comes in. The swimsuits you collected in storymode for a certain player, you are able to wear that outfit in two player mode. Wrapping it up. Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball may not have the best story behind, but what it lacks it makes up in gameplay and graphics. Even though it is an easy game, it is very addictive, once you start playing it, you can't put it down.