DOA:XB is every Jr. High boys dream but still has some mixed reactions.
User Rating: 8.6 | Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball XBOX
Ever since the graphical upgrade to the Xbox, I think every young teen boy has played it just to see the girls and try to see as much cleavage and underwear shots as they could. When this game was anounced I think everyone of those boys heads exploded with excitement (not like that you idiot, ew!) I had no idea what to expect. I was expecting the worst but it was coming from Team Ninja so I still had high hopes. I wasn't even thinking of buying it as much as thinking it was a rental, I mean how deep can a volley ball game get? When it finally came out I forgot it even exsisted and then a year or two later I saw it on a shelf in Best Buy. It was about 20 bucks so I thought, "What the hell." I bought it. Going home I didn't really know what to expect. From the cover I knew there was going to be a lot of fan pleasing but that was the least of my worries. Forking over 20 bucks is still a bit. Well, to me that is. I wanted to know if it really was going to be worth playing. Last thing I wanted was it to become a game were the only thing that was fun was looking at the girls. No matter what anyone says, not all guys are perverts. I started it up and it was pretty cool. Great graphics and good music that fit right in. Plus you could make custom tracks. By good graphics, I mean they spent alot of time on making girls the girls look... detailed. The backdrops look incredible to but that is not the main focus. Buy new swim suits, suntan lotion to make your girl look a nice golden-brown, play some mini games, get presents, give presents, get a partner and a bit more. If I have to compare it to any game, it would be Sid Meier's: Pirates! Why? Both are addicting but still limited. Although you eventually get bored you can't seem to pull yourself away. The game plays so ridiculisly simple that it is sad but is still fun. Plus your team mates AI is great most of the time but at others it seems stupid. Over all I was impressed at how addicting it could get but at the same time it win feel old after beating it a few times. All in all it is fun and you will come back and play it again and again but it isn't ground breaking.