This game is fun, for a day or two, then turns into a "see what this girl will look like in this swimsuit" kind of experience. Your only motivation is to do just that, get all of the items. It's not that the volleyball isn't fun, it is, just not fun enough nor deep enough to make this a title that anyone should own. However, I have to say that ogling the girls got very old, after a few days (within the game, not in real life) and I literally stopped paying attention soon after. That said, the graphics are amazing, not because of the fact that the girls are well endowed, to say the least, but the quality in which they are rendered. Although the animation is fairly good throughout the game, there are occasions such as when a girl is in an idle animation, and you move her or hit the ball, she will snap out of that animation into the beginning of the hitting or moving animation which is quite awkward. The beaches are impressive and the sand realistically moves as the girls move around while playing volleyball. The casino element requires such a large amount of luck that I avoided it completely after initially trying them all on the first day. All in all I can't recommend this game as anything more than a rental, and if you do purchase it, I'd have to say that you play it in small doses, so that it increases it's longevity, although I don't know by how much that would actually increase it's value.
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