The DOA girls hit Zack island and Team Ninja decides to put off fighting and start on the immersive graphical show case.

User Rating: 8.4 | Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball XBOX
So what's so good about Dead or Alive:Extreme Beach Volleyball anyway? I'll tell you. It's an extremely addictive,immersive,graphical showcase that truly utilizes the Xbox's graphical power. Although,the game's genre is "Sports",the game is more focused around the DOA girls in their oh so nice bathing suits and playing mini games around the pool side and "playing" (more like watching) games of volleyball.

The basic engine for the volleyball games is very,very narrowed down,and linear-which makes actually better for the gamer because you are able to focus more on the "graphics" rather than complicated gamely. I mean,let's be honest. Just by looking at the cover,who would buy the game just to play volleyball?? I sure f@#&king wouldn't,but chances are the sex appeal and partial nudity aspects are what drive people (mostly males,i said MOSTLY) to this particular game. Not saying people aren't attracted to the word "Volleyball" in the title,but people like me (which would be...most of you) are just paying attention to Tina's heaving breasts rather than even maybe bothering to read the title.

Anyways,the game it's self is pretty short,but there are allot of bathing suits you can dress your girl in (ranging in prices) and trust me,this NEVER gets old. The custom soundtrack element adds so much to the gamely experience. I'm telling you,any Xbox game that let's me listen to Korn while I'm playing the game has got to be great. But I just wish you had more control over which songs were playing.

The game is virtually endless,(i bought the game in 2003,and I'm STILL playing it) there is no real "end" to the game. And there are so many DOA girls to play as and dress up,the experience is always fresh (********if you are a guy*********)

But on the other hand,if you dont like playing volleyball,or just,well,don't like large breasts and tiny bikini's (and who doesn't? I mean really,the women are the one's who actually buy the implants, anyway) then you won't really find anything fantastic about this game. I mean,sex alone sells this game,so if this title is too much for you,then go burn your Xbox and buy one of those kiddy Gamecubes.