Hey look Frank West is back......HOLY @#$% FRANK WEST IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Rising 2: Case West X360
Dead Rising 2 case West is the epilouge to Dead Rising. But what will draw most fans to this is the return of the godd of zombie killing....Frank west. And aside from a few dissapointments the game has no reason to have a blind eye turned to it. The story is more griping than all other Dead Rising games. Frnak and Chuck are working on a lead that good clear Chucks name and get Frank his story. Tension constantly builds and the two fight a lot. Both men have lost every thing and it shows. You will want to wacth every cutscene. Voice acting is terrific. Killing zombies is still the main focus here and it hasn't changed much. That's a good thing. Combo cards are still here and some new ones make there way into the mix. And the AI who you had to drag from point A to point B can finally take care of themselves making survivor missions much easier to endur. Costumes are litterd across the factory but aren't as common as in prevoious titles in the franchise. Zombie killing is still a blast. Yes I need to say that twice. The dreaded load times from Dead Rising 2 have been fixed and a load time can end just when it begins. It seems Capcom is using the game to show it's fixing previous annoyences. I only have three complaints. 1. The factory is as fun to explore as previous locations. 2. Games short but does have multiple difficultys and endings. 3. You can only be Frank West if you join an online Co-op game. If you're playing single player you don't have the option of who you want to play as you have to be Chuck. But AI Frank does a good job. But if you wan't to get back in West's shoes, find new combo cards, hear a good story, or kill zombies Dead Rising Case West is five dollars well spent.