Worth the 5 bucks for sure, but makes me worried about DR2...
The gameplay is essentially the same. Yes its loads of fun to find inventive ways to bludgeon and decapitate zombies, and the combinable weapon feature is cool, but I'm not entirely convinced yet. I enjoyed case 0 overall, a good value at 5$, but as a full priced game I hope they have more up their sleeve for DR2.
One thing that bugged me was the lack of voice acting, you have to read text just like the first one, and frequent and long load times which really interrupt the flow of the game.Also if driving vehicles is at all a significant part of DR2 I hope the controls arent as horrible as they were for the motorcycle in Case 0.
I'm looking forward to the game because I love the zombie killin mayhem but I'm hoping enough has been added to keep it interesting!