This game has the best of both worlds: the charm of Dead Rising 1 and destructive zombie killing of Dead Rising 2.
Graphics/Frame Rate:
The graphics is just like Dead Rising 2. The graphics is nice, but don't expect graphical changes. Capcom is relying on the charisma of Frank West to help sell this game. But, I am always amazed at how the frame rate stays consistent with the incredible number of zombie hordes on screen. The number of zombies is what makes Dead Rising interesting. There is a problem though. The loading times is still lengthy and the game slows down a bit more than the previous game.
The story takes a totally different angle due to the fact that the main protagonist is Frank West. Frank West is basically trying to get back the mojo he lost after making some sloppy career decisions. The story has similar cutscenes from Dead Rising 2; but don't let that fool you. Everything feels practically different due to Frank West being the star of this game. New dialogue, some new weapons and weapon combos to discover, and a few new psychopaths to face. You will be surprised due to different changes in the story and the enemies you will face. Even the looters are more dangerous due to the ability to throw molotovs at you from anywhere and steal items from you, which they will use against you, after getting sprayed in the face with spray paint. There is also good music changes due to Frank West being the star. Many of the cutscenes seem to scream dejavu hear and there even though we have a new protagonist..
The gameplay is pretty much the same as the previous title; however photography is back thanks to good old Frank. Photography is really fun in this game; because it puts a new spin on a old title. You gain EXP points for taking genre and special pictures. Genres like horror, brutality, exotic, and comedy. For instance, taking pictures of naughty playboy covers will grant you EX for the exotic genre. Special pictures are taken during psychopath fights, taking pictures of evidence, zombie snapshot throws,and special moments with survivors. You get special pictures when take a picture of a person with a yellow PPT symbol over their head; but you have to be quick since the symbol doesn't last for very long. There is plenty of pictures you can take. You can also have fun taking some really good photos with a friend during coop play. This simple feature alone adds a lot of fun factor to this game.
The coop experience has been refined; because you can share photos with friends and play more effectively. You can create waypoints to help navigate to important locations of interest other than the selected objectives. And you can warn your partner to wait for survivors; because the game tells you whether all of the survivors are close enough to move to different locations with you. However, having to pause the game to see the watch can be a bit of a problem for those who like to play without too many disruptions. And sometimes the arrow acts a bit strange sometimes, especially when you create a new waypoint.
Game modes:
You can play the story with a friend and the sandbox mode is back.
The sandbox mode allows you to take your time to have fun running around finding things and smash zombies in a creative fashion. The sandbox mode also has time based challenges you can take on. The sandbox mode can also be played with a friend, which adds endless zombie killing fun.
Final Thoughts:
I thought the game would be kind of boring; because it is more of the same. But the game turned out to be worth buying and playing due to the nice additions to it. Too bad there isn't more new locations to explore and the game is plagued with preexisting and new problems.
Frank West changes the story around in a good way.
Photography is back in its pure form.
The coop experience is more fun and little more functional.
The sandbox mode returns.
A few new weapon combos and weapons.
There are new psychopaths.
The new location is pretty interesting.
This game is another rehash of the same game.
There isn't a lot of new locations.
The South Plaza should have been rebuilt into something more.
The graphics look a bit weaker.
The loading times is still long.
The frame rate gets shaky from time to time in Uranus Zone.
The arrow can act a little wacky sometimes.
This rehash gives you the same feeling that this is what the last game should have been.
I give this game a 7.5 out of 10. This game is worth playing again if you are a fan of the last game. It would help if Capcom ensures a refined rehashed version of a game doesn't create more problems and fixes old ones.