"A projectile never hits twice into the same hole..." wrong assumption, in case of capcom...

User Rating: 5 | Dead Rising 2: Off the Record PC
The first release of DR2 was... let's say, disappointing: boring gameplay (reduced to senseless slaughter of numberless zombies), based on a pathetic story, weak, old fationed graphic engine & impossible to customize controls... all the components of a terrific game. I guess it would be a pretty naive to expect that capcom would reconsider some approaches, in new releases...
Actually, they didn't. this realease is exactly the same: same story, same place, same time... same guy (well, with different name). but basically, this game is being sold twice, using slightly different name.
The first release of this game was bad, this one, ain't different.
I really love zombie related theme... Although simple, but it always brings a lot of fun (when it is well made), so I guess Dead Rising serie, is a much better choice, in this case... and if you have an itch to put your hands on: check Dead Island...