Made For The Xbox Or Not, The Judgement; Still Bruta-a-a-al...
User Rating: 8 | Dead Rising 2 PS3
Brutal in a great way =) I played the first when it came out, loads of fun. Epic for it's time. The second is just as great--if not better--it tweaks out some old problems, mainly the survivors for me, but the save's obviously. I was never too bothered about only having one, but I'm using the second slot now for when my friends are playing it, so no compaints, I suppose. Its not just a knock-off of the first one, you can tell they've tried to make this a very individual game in the series, and it totally works. It's not some mess of plot holes and completely ridiculous like the Resident Evil franchise has turned out to be. It's just more fun to play them then to immerse yourself in the world and the story. This is only the second installment, so it could still go downhill in the future. But I'm glad Dead Rising 2's here, and I'm glad it's on the PS3, too. The graphics are still amazing. It's a little comic book-esque, like Chuck's brow--that is a man's brow! Still, everything plays into it's own naivity, hmm, that doesn't really explain a lot...the brightful colours, the delightfully cheesy music, the ridiculous objects, it has such a childish appeal of "fun", but it's such an itricate game. I think it can be appreciated by most people for either it's playability, being able to just jump in without having to know the story, you just kill, or it's depth. The story plays so well, the phsyco's seem a little more believable this time, too. I think it's because there's more of an environment. Some phsyco's from the first didn't feel like they fitted in with anything, they were just there to be there. The characters are so believeable, the voice acting is done to a very fine quality. It's not B-movie. I'm on my second playthrough now, doing it multi-player this time I think, but I can imagine it would be more fun with someone else. Oh! I completely forgot I was gonna say this; as for the depth and playability; for those who do play it for the story, the game acknowleges what you're playing for, not just **** and gigs. The zombies become much harder toward the end of The Facts, you can usually last a short while solo, but I'd imagine another person with you, it could be a pretty interesting spectacle. Terror Is Reality is a perfect way to incorporate multiplayer into this game. If you don't know, you play 3 random events from a game show and the fourth is always killing zombies with chainsaw bikes...'Slicicles'...I think that's how they spelt it. It really helps out for the story, too, as you usually get about $45-50,000 each game if you don't suck. So, that's Zombrex, gamblin' moneies, buying survivors to join you...for reals, or a trip to the good ol' pawn shop if you've ran out of ideas to combine. Ugh, the scroll bars almost half the size of the box; wrap this up. It's worth the asking price, it's not cheap or cut-corner, whatever you want, you can probably find something to that description somewhere in the game and just haul ass with it. You're never obliged to something in the game, you can take it however you want. Just a dude killing zombies in a pink mumu. Nothing wrong with thinking that's all it is, but I think eventually you'll give into it and you'll get interested. If you're unsure, someone you know is bound to have it. Just grab yourself a sandwhich board and a few'll be fine =) ...