Probably the best zombie-game for the PC
The game takes place in Las Vegas,or a Las Vegas-ish city(I`m not sure if Fortune City is an immitation or a part of Vegas).
You play as Chuck,a former motocross champion,with a rebel look,but serious attitude.You are stuck for allmost 80 hours in this large complex,with upper and lower levels,outsied and indoor areas,so the scenery never gets mundane.Your primary goals are helping your daughter with medicine and rescueing survivors.
Boss fights get challenging at times,and the "bosses" are only humans,and they are more dangerous than any zombies. You can complete most of your goals in the order you want to,but some side-missions are time-limited,so if you ignore them too much,they disappear.
Theres a considerable variety of weapons.Actually,allmost any object can be used as one,but the effective ones are what you need to keep an eye open for: fire axes,wrenches,crowbars,brooms,swords,spears,kitchen knifes and some more.Ironically,firearms,such as shotguns or pistols(especially pistols) are less fun and effective to use agains the crowd of zombies.You can also combine some weapons,but it isn`t so unique and fun as it sounds.
Now,the most essential part of the game:the zombies.At first impression,you find them too easy to kill,especially when you have a big solid weapon.These are slow, George Romero-ish undead (but no,they dont speak and say "braaaain").I was put-off by it,when I first heard about the game.I like fast ones,a la "28 Days Later".But once playing,I realised how easily you can get overrun by the crowd if you take your time and try to slaughter them all.You can never ever kill`em all,and in many cases,you just need to quickly make your way through them,unless you cant evade them.
You never get scared or frightened,but I dont think it was ever intended to be a horror.The colourful enviorments,the silly character-personalisation options and ocasional good quality humorous cutscenes make this a fun and entertaining ride,and not a gruesome,dark struggle to survial.
Dont get me wrong,the gore level is really high.Zombies get dismembered,beheaded,everything.Chuck`s white suit will be all bloody-red in the aftermath of "terminating" a dousine of living dead.
The graphycs are good.I know that it might give you and outdated-impression in the gameplay videos,but this is one of those game that you need to "feel" yourself. All the obvious flaws are totally overshadowed by the gameplay.
All in all,in my oppinion,"Dead Rising 2" the best zombie-themed game for the PC,overshadowing the "Left 4 Dead" games,wich had potential,but the developers focused on the multiplayer aspect ($) ,instead of graphycs and story.
I highly recommend it. Have fun!