The game that was hyped up, and falls short..

User Rating: 6.5 | Dead Rising 2 X360
I've recently gotten a copy of DR2, and it was fun for a short while. I don't mind the repeating the same type of mission of collecting survivors.

The combo weapon system is cool with some funky designs, but i've collected a good amount of combo cards, which i've not yet used.

I've aimed in completing the game, doing as many side missions aswell as the main story line (which is abit silly to be honest).
The side missions are nice and spread throughout the city, which does help give you reason to roam about.
You will come into contact with missions where you are faced against bosses, who they tried to give a reason to kill you.
If you're a serious gamer like myself, you'd find their reason pathetic, and they small cutscene a waste of time.

With the mini bosses added in certain missions, i will say that the ones i've come across aren't based on skill, but more based on luck. You'll be smashing your face on the table till you get a lucky kill on most.
This is the major let down on the game, is how random and difficult most of the bosses are.

The zombies are fun to slay for a short while, but after that they become alittle boring and just something that's in the way.
It's a nice try with DR2, i will admit it's alot better than the first, but it's still not as good as it could be.