This game shows what the Xbox360 can do if you put a lot more zombies on it.

User Rating: 7 | Dead Rising 3 XONE
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  • Might not be the best game but it shows potential.

Dead Rising 3 is an Xbox One exclusive game with a Xbox 360 quality. With more zombies. The reason I give it a seven out of ten is because this game has potential. Not because I call it a good game. To me a good game is a 9 out of 10 rating. Of course 10 out of 10 is a good game and more. But a 7 is a fair rating for a game with this Xbox 360 quality. This game is not bad either. You will get a positive experience out of it. Lot of zombies, weapons customizations, character customization, fun, hilarious, bloody, crazy, insane, disgusting, brutal and a lot of gore is what make this game what it is.