Dead Rising is a must buy for anyone who has a 360.

User Rating: 9.4 | Dead Rising X360
You're a freelance photographer named Frank West who has heard that something big is going on in Willamette, Colorado. He gets a helicopter to send him out there and when he gets there, he sees that the town has been infested with zombies. When he gets dropped off on the rooftop of Willamette's mall, it's a start of a new adventure.

Dead Rising is a game from the makers of the famous Resident Evil series, Capcom and they have really made a great game. It is such a simple concept, but it works so well. The re playability in this game is amazing because since they are so many weapons, you can do so many different things in this game. My favourite weapon in this game would have to be the Lawnmower because it is great for when they are a bunch of zombies covering doors to get into the mall, it's also good for PP. PP are basically experience points to level up, when you level up, you sometimes get a new skill, more stock to hold weapons and food and drinks or more life. I believe the highest level is Level 50 and at Level 50, you get the ability to walk like a zombie which is pretty cool because then the zombies think they are you, so they don't hurt you. The graphics in this game are pretty amazing, I haven't seen zombies look this good in a long time. Also, the models for the survivors are really good too. The animations too are very good, for example, if you're on 1 life, you will start limping. Also, Capcom got the animations perfect for the zombies because they really walk like zombies. The most amazing thing about the game's engine would have to be the frame rate. There is basically no lag in this game, the only lag I have seen is when you go through a bunch of zombies with the lawnmower and the lag is very little. I almost forgot, the sounds in this game make the game very immersing and also kind of make the game funny. For example, When you go into a restroom you will hear mall music and I found that pretty funny. Also, the sounds of the zombies sound very realistic and give the game a creepy feeling especially when it's night and the lights go off. I did find somethings annoying though, for one, the save system is pretty annoying. You can only save in restrooms or when you find a sofa to sleep on. Also, the stupid ESCORT MISSIONS! The one I hated the most would have to be when you find Burt and Aaron, Burt is fine, but Aaron must be mentally retarded or something because he has a handgun but does not use it at all. He just stands there and lets the zombies eat him. Good thing that you don't have to do the escort missions.

Dead Rising is definitely a must-buy for all Xbox 360 owners. Dead Rising is currently my favourite game for the 360 right now because of the re playability. If you liked the movie Dawn of the Dead and you have a 360, this is definitely a must-buy and even you haven't never liked Dawn of the Dead, you will still probably like it.