A really great game but some things like saving kinda ruin it.

User Rating: 9.1 | Dead Rising X360
This game is amazing. I mean, I am still in shock about how Capcom made such a great game like this.

Here are some great things about the game. First, the gameplay. Its great.
You can spend hours and hours just bashing zombies heads in.
Thereis a huge amount of weapons you can use, there are also tons of stores in the mall to go into.The mall is great. It is highly detailed, and has alot of stores that you would expect a mall to have. It is very realistic.
The storyline proggresses very well through out the game. There are some things that could possibly shock you, which should be in every story you hear.

Now the bad things. The really bad things.

The save system is awful, it is not an autosave, it is a manual save. You cannot save from the pause menu. There are certain spots in this game that you can save in. Thats all!

Saving people gets boring, and hard because they will just walk into walls and be retarded. Its like trying to make a waffell eat glass. It just doesn't work!

You have to be at a certain place at a certain time to continue the story. If you do not succeed to get there, your screwed.

The game is fustrating as hell. One of the reasons it is fustrating is because if you die, you have a choice. You can continue through the story losing everything you have got (You level up in this game like an RPG.) You level up. So if you are a level 40 out of 50 and you die, you have to restart the game with your stats, or continue without them.

So thats it.

I would reccomend buying it. Even though there are somethings that just will ruin your fun. I would also reccomend restarting the game with your stats so you can earn the stats again, and it will be easier.

Its great, buy it.

-Jon R.