A Bloodfest of your darkest dreams, can somtimes be so much fun!

User Rating: 9.1 | Dead Rising X360
Looking for nothing more than a playground of undead destruction, I approached the game as many of you will. I was hoping that the action wouldn’t get too repetitive. With any luck, I thought, the cheesy dialogue and setting would be an asset and not a source of droll cutscenes I would want to skip through. I started the game. I literally mowed over zombies. I cackled every five minutes when a newfound weapon sliced through the thick hordes in an over-the-top mockery of slasher flicks and secret dreams of the biggest Dead Alive fan. I outright horrified the other editors by walking Frank around in a cute little sundress for a full day.

But the rest of the game…well, figuring out where the thing actually ends is hard. I think that you could go through a dozen times and see at least two entirely new, large-scale events each time. The game is huge on replay in the main mode and offers even more after the tale is done. Without spoiling anything, let’s leave it with the promise that you’ll be popping this in for months to come. And do you want to know why? For more than the bounty of content, or interesting twist of social commentary, or even the collection of secret touches – you’ll keep booting it up because it’s an artsy brand of fun that you can’t get anywhere else.