Dead Rising is a fun, interesting, zombie infested game!
User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Rising X360
Okay, I won't spoil most of the story but I'll only tell you some of the characters. In Dead Rising, you play as Frank West. He's a journalist and a photographer. The game's setting is at Willamette Mall. You're trapped in that mall for 3 days. Sounds great right? Being in a huge mall for a few days. Yeah, except it's ZOMBIE INFESTED. You have to survive in the mall for 3 days, and a helicopter will rescue you on the 4th day. Frank didn't really bring any weapons with him on his way to the mall. So how are you going to defeat all these zombies? Pick up anything in the mall that's available to you duh! Almost EVERYTHING is a weapon in this game! Chairs, Baseball Bats, Chain-Saws, Guitars, Knifes, even food! But I'd rather just eat them. Food represents sort of like a health pack. It's the only way to heal yourself. Frank's goal is to cover a story here at Willamette Mall. You'll be taking pictures of stuff to cover the story. And he also wants to solve the mystery of the zombie outbreak. He has two people on his side. Now I won't explain why they are at the mall already, but I'll tell you the names. First off, you got this big (when I say big, I mean muscular, not fat.) man named Brad. And you got this blonde girl named Jessie. They, well, kind of help you. But the person who really helps you out is this guy named Otis. He's a janitor and he gives you a map of the mall, and a walkie-talkie so that he can contact you about any survivors or whatever is going on. Dead Rising is time-based. If you don't do a mission on time, you will fail. Saving is a b****. If you die, and you didn't save at all. You will START OVER. So saving is a very important element in the game. Save when you have the chance! You can also quit the game, but here's the thing. When you quit and let's say Frank's level was like 14. (Yeah, you can level up in this game) When you start a new game, Frank's set level is 14! So this can be used as a strategy to when you're stuck on a hard boss. In Dead Rising's time, Frank has 72 hours. But in real time, Dead Rising is 12 hours fast. So it will only take 6 hours to beat the game. Sure it's short, but it's a lot of fun. Dead Rising should be at least checked out by all 360 owners. This is a great game.