I can not think of any other games that are this straight forward or this much fun. classic stuck in a mall surrounded by zombies having to fight for your life. Earn some pretty gruesome moves such as disembowel. It is incredibly fun to play when you have friends over and hear them say "Dude!!! You just smashed that guy in the face with a guitar!!". If you like zombie movies and feel like you must try it but no fatal blows have been stricken to man kind by zombies just yet, i would recommend this game. Also incredibly fun if you just love violence.
A console could never call itself complete without some sort of blockbuster zombie affiliated game lying around in its library. Capcom, who has always been there for the horror genre, has released another zombie thriller... Read Full Review
The Good: Being able to use practically everything as a weapon makes for a great and unique gameplay experience, entertaining boss-battles great story, good graphics, awesome sound-effects and the save-system makes the ... Read Full Review