I bought this game because alot of people i talked to said it was almost identical to the movie "Dawn of the Dead" which it was pretty close. However after about an hour and a half of playing i became very frustrated with it. THE SAVING PROCESS SUCKS!!! Everytime you die, you have to restart the WHOLE game unless you go to some bu11sh1t janitors closet or something like that which are hard as hell to find anyway. So you really cant just save and quit, you have to go on a little adventure just to find the F'ing janitors closet so you dont have to start all over again. I think i had to restart from the beginning at least 20 times, no joke, it sucks. But besides my main complaint, the gameplay is pretty cool...for an hour. Ok, killing a zombie with a 2X4 is freakin cool, however, to me it gets a little old after you kill about 200 zombies with it. What i DO like about this game, is that you can use just about anything to kill the zombies which can be very interesting. So the enviroment is very explorable which in a way is kind of bad because sometimes you get so lost that the zombies are like "Where the f**k is this guy going??!" but it is fun. Pros and Cons time:
Pros: -Explorable enviroment -Can interact with just about anything -Unlimited items to kill zombies with -Fun if you are gore/blood loving freak who loves zombies o_0
Cons: -Saving process is absolutely HORRIBLE -Frustrating (when you have to restart or save) -Repetitive (kill the zombies, save the person, etc. etc. etc...literally thats the whole game) -Graphics arent too impressive -Story kinda sucks
A console could never call itself complete without some sort of blockbuster zombie affiliated game lying around in its library. Capcom, who has always been there for the horror genre, has released another zombie thriller... Read Full Review
The Good: Being able to use practically everything as a weapon makes for a great and unique gameplay experience, entertaining boss-battles great story, good graphics, awesome sound-effects and the save-system makes the ... Read Full Review