This is a love it or hate it game. The graphics are top notch, smacking zombies with hundreds of weapons (the lawnmower being a favourite of mine!) never gets boring and the sound suits the action perfectly. What may put some people off is that save points are few and far between and you're up against the clock to save people in time so you may have to restart (you keep your stats and level) if you mess up. This game has been out for quite a while now so would be easy to pick up for a cheap price (the special edition tin has held its value quite well though)and I would recommend this game to the more hardcore gamer than a casual player.
A console could never call itself complete without some sort of blockbuster zombie affiliated game lying around in its library. Capcom, who has always been there for the horror genre, has released another zombie thriller... Read Full Review
The Good: Being able to use practically everything as a weapon makes for a great and unique gameplay experience, entertaining boss-battles great story, good graphics, awesome sound-effects and the save-system makes the ... Read Full Review