Abitious game that truely dilivered.

User Rating: 9.3 | Dead Rising X360
Okay so this game is dead rising. It's a sandbox (free-roam)like game that allows you to relive your favorite zombie moments over and over. In the game you are frank west who is a freelance journalist with a nack for finding great stories. The story starts with you in a helecopter flying to a small town. Then as you get there you notice something strange. There seems to be large city scale riot going on. Later you ask the helecopter pilot to land on a nearby shoping mall. As you get closer you ask him to come back to get you in three days. He agrees and you jump out of the helicopter and start your rediculous adventure. Well...the bad news is....the rioters turn out to be Zombies. And you gotta get the story. Thats the story.