Classic chop/shoot/mow down 'em up.

User Rating: 9.4 | Dead Rising X360
Dead Rising is a fun, classic zombie game. It's a deviation from Capcom's usual serious zombie about to chow down on you because you're running into a corner because of the wacky camera type deal. DR is fun and addictive, if you're into gore and body parts and law mower action! Gameplay: what more is there to say? Zombies are there. Find stuff to kill zombies. Kill zombies. That's what the gameplay boils down to. The save system is wacky but manageable.

Graphics: DR has its own good looks and blood spewing fun. Its not perfect in this department, but its satisfying in you're not too critical.

Sound: nothing says quality like the sound of crunching zombies under a lawnmower.

Value: the exploration and achievements will have your posterior glued to the couch for a good long while.

Closing comments: GG kill zombies and hoping Dead Rising shows up on your Live GT.