I've Covered Wars Ya Know......And this War ROCKED! Violent, Blood-soaked, Zombie Perfection (almost)

User Rating: 9.6 | Dead Rising X360
Before i start, I have to say. THIS IS NOT A GAME FOR YOUR 10 YEAR OLD KID. The amount of violence in the game reaches critcal mass here, people. I mean, when HASN'T capcom made an almost-unsafely violent game?......Now onto the game.
Almost downright perfect. Its a zombie sandbox game! But of course, there's a little bit of snag that prevent it from becoming perfect. First, the boss fights. Sometimes the bosses (psychopaths) are so insanely cheap you'll start throwing your controller and swearing at the TV. (TanTip- Orange Juice+SMG=good) one of them even has a motorcycle! And the save system could use some work. Its not that bad, i just wish it had a quicksave or something, just in case i had to leave then and there. You level up by killing psychos, taking pictures, or many other things. Once you level up. it's like an RPG. Your character improves, with stats and new moves.
It's incredible what they have pulled off. 800 zombies on screen.....with no slowdown whatsoever. The cut scenes look exactly like the game itself, which shows how far we have progressed with graphics in the last 10 years. It's got motion blur, lighting and all that good stuff. The only gripes i have are what I call the "Dead Rising Syndrome" and periodic skipping of frames. What is "Dead Rising Syndrome", may you ask? Small text on nothing but an HDTV. Solution? Play it on widescreen. And sometimes, when you hit a zombie, the game will seem to lock up for like a half-second. I THINK it's because it has to compute a lot of things, but im not sure.

Where else will you hear the sound of a 2x4 hitting a zombies head projected with such accuracy? I MEAN REALLY!?!??!?!??!? Some of the moves sound so painful, like the decapation move, followed by the shower of blood. Some of these moves are truly cringe-worthy in the sounds they make. And the boss music is just right.

Controls: It's might take a little while to get used to, but it will feel natural after a while.

All in all, an incredible zombie killing blast of a time (Just look out for the rumor of this game in particular crashing your system :D)