Imagine playing a game where you could kill all the zombies you wanted. That sounds like a fun game...
For most people the things Im going to tell you will keep you from buying the game.
-You must follow a strict time schedule or you lose
-You gain levels but your hp still sucks at level 50.
-Some bosses are so overpowered that you have to use glitches in the game like line of sight in order to kill them.
-Once you unlock infinate mode your health slowly drains so you have to keep looking for food (which is limited).
-You cannot save in infinate mode.
-There are bosses everywhere in infinate mode
-You put up with story mode becuase you think that infinate mode is the reason that you bought the game, and it really does suck.
Capcom was trying to make an authentic game. The problem is that you don't WANT to play the story mode and you don't WANT a challenge. You just want to kill some freakin zombies!