Dead Rising:A Zombie Game That Puts you Up Against Hundreds of Zombies and You Can Use Anything as a Weapon!
Dead Rising is an Amazing game, but some major flaws stop it from reaching gaming nirvana.
I will start out on the Flaws, which one big one is the saving system. You only have one save fail, and you can only save in bathrooms and your futon back in the base. This gets quite annoying if your going for a really annoying achievement, like zombie genocider or savior. Another major flaw is the survivor run through out crowds and crowds of zombies, but if some of your little idiotic buddies are following you they are going to be attacked constantly. Lets say your going for the savior achievement,but when of your idiotic followers gets attack, you have to rush to his rescue or you will fail the achievement and to make it worse another of your survivors it most likely going to get grabbed. Another One is the Convicts; these aholes will spawn in a place no matter how many times you kill them. This may not seem like a big problem but they basically massacre your survivors. You could kill Adam the Clown and save that one guy, but if you don't do this you will have to worry about these guys every time you go to another part of the mall.
Now that I covered the cons, let's go for the pros. Dead Rising has an insane amount of weapons. Its basically what ever you see can be used as a weapon. You See a Giant Teddy Bear, Well Grab it and beat the hell out of an unsuspecting zombie. There is also a ton of things to unlock, like Mega Mans Mega Blaster or a Wrestling outfit. And there is also an insane amount of missions that you can do, there is also five different endings nine if you include that overtime ones. Thats Pretty Much It, My First Review Here, Also I've Covered Wars Ya Know