You are trapped in a mall and almost everything is a weapon. Are you ready to Chop Till You Drop
Capcom, loves Zombies, and this proves how much they do. As I remember there are supposed to be able to be a little over ONE HUNDRED zombies on the screen at one time!!!!
You have three days to fight off zombies and save normal survivors. Not only do you have to fight zombies, you have to fight zombies who have gone crazy, like Adam the Clown and Cletus (the owner of the gunshop).
Like the review deck says, almost everything is a weapon, you can use a shower head, when you stick the shower head in a zombies head, blood will come out as if it is a shower. You can throw a pie and it will stick to the zombies face. You can even hit golfballs and kick soccerballs at the zombies. That is always f**kin fun!!!
If you want to have days and days of fun. Play Dead Rising